Arranging artwork is a great way to accessorise your home.

Artwork can become a focal point and a striking opportunity to add some colour. As it seems to be done wrong on so many occasions I thought it would be a good opportunity to give this short master class – hanging artworks ideas.
Moving artwork from different areas of your home works really well to create a change of environment – I know that sometimes if a piece of art has been in the same place for a while when taking it down there will be a dust image of where the painting was – Get a small bowl of tepid soapy water and two cloths – one to take off the dust and one to dry off. Always work upwards as not to create more dust/dirt – make a small circular motion but gently as not to bring off the paint
When hanging artwork, ensure you have measured the area well – a great tip is to get a piece of paper and outline this to the same size as the frame, work out where the hook is and mark on the paper – Hold this up to where you would like to piece to go and lightly mark where the hook is on the wall – if you’ve more than one painting, repeat this action
My top tips for artwork would be:
- Not all frames have to be matching – this gives individuality to each art piece.
- If you group artwork together but they are not all the same size ensure that the balance is right so measure each piece to get dimensions correct so they sit well on the wall.
- Use a template to get the true scale of your frames and then use painter’s tape to work out the best arrangement for hanging.
- If you have a varying piece of artwork such as contemporary pieces and none contemporary in the same room this will work as you are highlighting your individuality.
- Make sure that you use the right nails or picture hooks for your walls – On hard walls/drywalls/plasterboard use Plastic Picture Hooks. Picture Hook Kits are great as you get varying sizes. If your artwork is not too heavy then you can use Self Adhesive strips which are used in pairs.
Contact me via email for more information and help, I look forward to hearing from you.